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14 Aug 2017, 05:01 PMPost #41

CBIP has consolidated for awhile and now it is extremely oversold according to RSI. Today it is still falling. Fellow traders, it's perfect time to enter now, I believe. Tomorrow or latest Wed, it shall rise strongly...yeah

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14 Aug 2017, 05:14 PMPost #42
If not rising next few days, I guess this consolidation is probably due to not so good report is waiting to come out. If even then, it is already priced in...it would not fall too much lower I think....yeah
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18 Aug 2017, 04:03 PMPost #43

Interesting, CBIP rose more than 1% in the midst of red market throughout the world. It can't help but rebound from too much oversold bottom ... yeah

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01 Jan 2020, 06:47 PMPost #44


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23 Apr 2023, 04:13 PMPost #45

If you are looking at investing in CB Industrial Products, you have to look at it as a group in transition.  The group can be classified into 4 businesses:

  • Equipment & Engineering
  • SPV
  • Plantations
  • Refinery

The bulk of the returns is currently generated from the Equipment & Engineering operations – resulting in an average 10.9 % ROE. This segment appears to be a mature business. But there is a possibility of growth if the group can commercialize the zero-discharge technology.

There are also potential growths from the Plantation and Refinery businesses. But these will need reinvestments. The SPV operations is project-based and should not be depended on for improvements in the ROE.

Given the above you should not be surprised to see the performance trends as shown in the chart below.

CBIP Performance Index

The positive news are:

  • Revenue has turned around since 2019.
  • CBIP is financially strong. Historically it funded the reinvestments required for growth without affecting its dividends.
  • Gross profitability is turning around. According to Professor Novy-Marx, this metric has the same power as Price to Book in predicting cross section returns.
  • There is a sufficient margin of safety based on the various valuation metrics. 

If you want to see details to support the above anakysis and valuation, go to Is CBIP a money making opportunity? Find out using Shareinvestor

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18 Sep 2023, 09:48 AMPost #46

CBIP has about 20,000 ha of planted palm oil through its associates and JV. Given the acquisition of Boustead Plantation at RM 48,000 per ha, does it mean that the market has not recognized the true value of CBIP. For more insights refer to Is CBIP a money making opportunity?

yeah doh drool lol mad notworthy question rant rolleyes sad shutup shy smile star sweat thumbup wub cry

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