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28 Jan 2020, 10:18 PMPost #21

[BUMI ARMADA LATEST ANALYSIS] https://malaysiainvestment88.blogspot.com/2020/01/bumi-armada-latest-analysis-drop-hugely.html

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18 Sep 2021, 03:11 PMPost #22


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08 Dec 2023, 07:15 AMPost #23

“It’s built into the system that stocks get mispriced,” Warren Buffett said at the 2012 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting.


There are several reasons why mispricing can occur from market inefficiencies to behavioural factors. I don’t really try to analyse the reasons for the mispricing, but rather look for opportunities for this.


I think Armada is a potential mispricing.


Armada ROE had been trailing those of my 2 reference Bursa energy services companies – Dayang and Deleum for many years since 2012.  But over the past 2 years, Armada ROE had overtaken those of Dayang and Deleum

At the same time when you look at the trends of the ROE and market price for Armada, you can see that while the ROE has shown improvements over the past 4 years, there has hardly been any improvement in the market price.


I would consider this a mispricing opportunity that warrants a deeper look.

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07 Aug 2024, 08:52 AMPost #24

In the mid 2010s, Bumi Armada performance deteriorated due to the low crude oil prices. It had to re-organized itself and the company's performance over the past few years had improved.


There were improving gross profitability and contribution margins over the past few years. Its facilities are operating at high utilization levels. It had also improved its financial position. But this is a Group whose performance is tied to the expenditure of the oil and gas companies. This in turn is tied to crude oil prices.


Crude oil prices are cyclical and I do not expect the current high prices to continue forever. So when crude prices decline, I would expect Bumi Armada performance to follow suit. If you are a long-term investor, you should be looking at this performance over the cycle rather than just the current performance.

yeah doh drool lol mad notworthy question rant rolleyes sad shutup shy smile star sweat thumbup wub cry

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