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05 Jan 2012, 04:27 PMPost #1
Net cash. High yield. Good relationship with governments. Earning visibility about 4 years ahead typical of construction projects.

Concerns: Ran into trouble in Middle East (Libya), thus the price fall last year. Close to 100% payout ratio. Drop in profit margin may affect dividend, but high level of cash should be able to cushion it for a while.
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05 Jan 2012, 04:34 PMPost #2
Net cash. High yield. Good relationship with governments. Earning visibility about 4 years ahead typ...gen_hwang @ 05 Jan 2012, 04:27 PM

Hi Gen Hwang,

I used to hold this stock previosly because of their high dividend payout. But i sold it after their report drop drastically. Do you know what is reason behind of it?
Actually they are paying very good dividend for pass few years. It is very to know the reason why their business is dropping, so that i can re-consider it. Thanks for sharing anyway...
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05 Jan 2012, 04:47 PMPost #3

Hi Gen Hwang,

I used to hold this stock previosly because of their high dividend pay...kkchong @ 05 Jan 2012, 04:34 PM

I am in the dark as much as you are.

But according to announcement to Bursa Malaysia, they have a few court cases running. Also Middle East is a time bomb and no one knows what can happen there.
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05 Jan 2012, 08:21 PMPost #4

I am in the dark as much as you are.

But according to announcement to Bursa Malaysia...gen_hwang @ 05 Jan 2012, 04:47 PM

Ic. But i think the share price has already factor in all the bad news. It is quite under price now. Will keep an eye if they can make a come back. :)
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27 Feb 2012, 07:41 PMPost #5
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27 Mar 2013, 05:39 AMPost #6
property run 2013 starting now also?
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15 Jun 2014, 08:15 AMPost #7
rolleyesRm 2.07进场 prtasco 富达 5070 的原因--
1)图表的技术面说,此股在17-03-14的股价为rm1.64 .之后只用了五个交易日在24-03-14回升到rm1 .94(Rsi=89%).
3)富達以低價在萬宜買地,過後重新發展而推出100億令吉De Centrum產業計劃,加上兩項公眾房屋計劃釋放價值,
9)De Centrum计划占地87英亩,发展项目包括服务式公寓、店铺、SOHO(小型居家办公室)、会展中心、酒店、

15)善用手中的资金,集中火力,让资本增值最大化,富达 具备条件成为爆发股。把握目前提供的良机。实现写意,悠闲,
Rm 2.07 5070 Fidelity approach prtasco reasons -
1) technical charts, said the price of this stock in the 17-03-14 is rm1.64., After only five trading days on 24-03-14 rebounded to rm1 .94 (Rsi = 89%).
And 1-04-14 came Rm2.00 (Rsi = 80%), after 70 days of consolidation, the final breakthrough in the history of the price rm2.08 13-06-14's (rsi = 76%),
During this period many did not have the patience to drive away investors, including von master, ha ha, is about to begin another round of rise. Target price rm2.50
2) 100 000 000 6,000 Net cash RM1 million or 49 cents per share, to create "cash" road repair and maintenance works, at least send 10 cents dividend (now available 6sen into dividends,
Ex-dividend on 25-06-14 and 11-07-14 at delivery), or equivalent Yield 5-6%.
3) Fidelity to buy cheap land in the Island, after the re-development and launch of 10 billion ringgit De Centrum industrial plan, plus two public housing program to unlock value,
Industrial Research forecasts for the current financial year profit growth of 41% to 50 million 7.3 million ringgit.
4) The five-year development value over 10 billion ringgit, the discounted cash flow (DCF) increased from 300 million ringgit to 400 million ringgit 27 million, mainly related to the value of the land released.
5) The company has re-started some projects in Libya, which is now about 50 million order to discuss 吉桥梁 maintenance.
"We have a total value of 100 million 20 million ringgit projects at the local, there are still 20 million ringgit compensation has not been paid.
6) for an extension of the Indonesian oil and gas rights, the entire field a total of 30 wells, the company has restarted three wells.
It remains unclear the real field of oil and gas production. However, according to information obtained by consulting firms, oil storage up to 1400 barrels of oil and 44 billion cubic feet of natural gas.
7) Fidelity Building and Infrastructure business orders, expected to increase from the current 700 million ringgit to 10 billion ringgit. Fidelity arms industry holds 100,000,000 6,000,000 9,000 ringgit unbilled sales.
8) Fidelity (Protasco) intend to at least 1.95 ringgit per share through a private placement of approximately 5,000 million shares to raise nearly 100 million ringgit. Nominal bit buy low risk.
9) De Centrum plan covers 87 acres, the development projects include serviced apartments, shops, SOHO (small office home), convention centers, hotels,
Offices, retail units, hypermarkets and cinemas. DeCentrum fact, in the middle of Kuala Lumpur International Airport and the city center of Kuala Lumpur point.

Just about 30 minutes to the main cities and locations, such as the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur, in addition, 5 to 10 minutes to drive to Nilai, 20 minutes, which amounts to hibiscus.
10) Hua Wu co-founded the company in obtaining government contracts and road building competitive advantage.
11) contribute to the future of the industry will go beyond the construction sector, net profit growth to become the main force, and support the oil and gas industry, will be the star stock market.
12) in 30 major shareholder 25-04-2014 ended holding 57.83% (193,221), there are over 140,000 market flow sheets, stock flow is good, and easy access to customer investment institutions alike.
13) to enhance the company's net profit foundation is to support the stock price up.
14) Construction stocks on dividends, management, competitive advantage, assets, integrity, growth, prtasco definitely preferred stock investors.
15) use of the hands of the funds, concentrated fire, so to maximize capital appreciation, Fidelity outbreak of shares to become qualified. Grasp the opportunities currently offered. Achieve freehand, leisure,
The day to see the sea, ha ha, I entered, what are you waiting yet.
16) These are the catalyst for the share price rises, individual projections and finishing out of the ego.
Basic information and the latest company website -
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23 Nov 2014, 05:22 PMPost #8
I'm very worried about what I read here: https://bursasyndicate.wordpress.com/2014/11/22/tey-por-yee-and-his-magical-arms-length-deal-with-protasco/

"Just to go back a little Tey Por Yee had in 2012 brought to the attention of Protasco a deal to invest in an oil and gas venture in Indonesian concern PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia (PT ASI).

As part of the deal some RM50 million was paid upfront, and as collateral shares in a seemingly unrelated Indonesian company PT Inovisi was pledged as collateral to Protasco.

It should be noted that all this while the Protasco board (the innocent members of the board that is) thought they were dealing with Indonesian companies and businessmen.

Tey Por Yee was allegedly arms length away from the deal. His only interest or so he was to lead the board to believe was with Protasco benefiting from the deal.

Now back to the PT Inovisi shares pledged for the deal. These shares were in the name of Acclaim Investments, a company registered in the BVI with a paid up capital of US$100.

It has now emerged that Acclaim Investments was set up in 2009 with just two shareholders. Guess who? Tey Por Yee with 85 shares and his sidekick Ooi Kok Aun with 15 shares."

Should I be worried about their EGM this coming Friday?
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13 May 2015, 03:14 AMPost #9
I am angry, not worry, when read these truth about Chong Ket Pen.

"Just to go back a little Chong Ket Pen had in 2012 crying for investor to save him from eaten by Tun Daim (Chong's own theory he told everyone in JKR) and he cheated investors to buy out Tun Daim Protasco shares to save him, by cheating investors to invest in an oil and gas venture in Indonesian concern PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia (PT ASI) he placed the order to please investors referrals.

As part of the deal, Chong Ket Pen further cheated investors and owe investors US55million of deal referrals, the same trick he cheated many co workers in JKR, his partner Hasnur and his boss Tun Daim.

Chong begs and cries and he signed agreement to buy assets owned or referral by investors, hence knowing even if investors own any asset is totally fine to declare publicly, any how its irrelevant. It should be noted that all this while the investors were told to package the order by Chong as origin as Indonesian owned and not to join Protasco board (the innocent investors who listen to Chong's lie) thought they were dealing with sincere honors businessman.

Chong knowing it's irrelevant if Tey and Ooi buy and sell, or refers any deal, they have no urgency to rush, be it arms length or not. Chong is the one with tight dead line and no time for arms length or so, his only interest or so he was to lead the board to believe was with Protasco benefiting from the deal, and he could cheat the 2 investors to put the money bailing him out. That's all matters to Chong.

Now back to further cover up by Chong, where he beg investors to find friendly party to help cover his trail in a rush, by borrowing Indonesia public company shares so he could sing a song to his innocent board members. Investors stupidly help him further, and their client's company and name were tarnished when Chong divert attention by putting the blame on hands who helped him.

The two investors were made up and defamed by Chong fabrication of lies and allegations to divert the attention to them, covering up his mistakes.

As dirty as one could be, syndicates were hired to spam the Internet and post lies on media, and leaflets. Such as links trail back to this message board.

Beware of spammer syndicate hired by Chong Ket Pen to cover up his mistakes by putting a blame to his victims. This is not Chong first time he put blame on others - from many of his co workers in JKR, later his partner Hasnur, and his boss Tun Daim, and latest his two investors Tey and Ooi.

Chong own cover up in siphoning public money with cronies in public services is ill sickening. Public should know the truth.

Just to keep the balance, few interesting facts contributed from his old co workers public should know:






by CleanUpChongSyndicate
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10 Apr 2024, 09:22 AMPost #10

Some times companies look for new ventures because the existing ones are not able to scale up. But new venture use up funds.


Take the case of Protasco.  The company has reported 11 business segments even though the revenue for 2023 was only about 1 RM billion.


You may be forgiven for wondering whether management is just trying many things to see what works. When you look at the chart, you can see that only one segment is driving revenue and earnings.

It suggests that management is trying luck to see what else they can do. The worse part is that several of its historical ventures have lost money.  And there are some which have ended up as legal cases as the company tried to recover what was paid.


I would think that it may be better for the company to return the excess funds to shareholders than try luck. Protasco is a cash cow. But the cash is not well deployed.


For more insights refer to Is Protasco an investment opportunity?


yeah doh drool lol mad notworthy question rant rolleyes sad shutup shy smile star sweat thumbup wub cry

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