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03 Mar 2016, 05:37 PMPost #21
The worst is over need a second look.

Even the GST effect is deminishing
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Posts: 7
Joined: Jun 2013
28 Apr 2016, 06:49 PMPost #22
The worst is over need a second look.
...jinsim47 @ 03 Mar 2016, 05:37 PM

Paid consistant dividend

15 sen for 4years.

Buying below 3.00 gives u a 5+% yield

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Posts: 172
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19 Nov 2020, 05:58 PMPost #23


  • DKSH Marketing and Distribution Service and Logistics Services segment can be classified as Trade and Distribution Segment. Hence both company make almost all their profit from Trade and Distribution Segment.

  • Both company did not make much on the retail segment. HARISON only make 1% and DKSH is making loss in their retail segment for the year 2019.

  • Both companies had one percent higher gross profit margin and operating margin for the year 2019 compared to 2018.

  • DKSH nett profit margin did not increase for the year 2019 because of high financial cost for the year 2019.

  • DKSH financial cost had increase by 457 % for the year 2019.

  • HARISON had better gross profit margin, operating margin and nett profit margin compared to DKSH.

  • HARISON has better solvency ratio compared to DKSH

  • DKSH total debt to equity ratio had increase from 0.10 in 2018 to 0.85 in 2019

  • DKSH had lower cash conversion cycle (36.28 in 2019) compared to HARISON (60.02 in 2019)

  • DKSH had intangible to book value had increase from 0.03 % in 2018 to 63.51 % in 2019

  • Both HARISON and DKSH had similar inventory to sales ratio

  • HARISON is the smaller company in term of market cap compare to DKSH

  • HARISON had lower P/E ratio which is 11.03 compare to DKSH which is 12.24

  • HARISON had higher dividend payout compared to DKSH

  • HARISON had  higher dividend yield of 5.41 % compared to DKSH which is 2.8 %


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Posts: 172
Joined: Aug 2015
02 Dec 2020, 10:29 PMPost #24

Stock Reviews : HARISON

a) East Malaysia
- Marketing, sales, warehousing and distribution of fast moving consumer goods, building materials, engineer products and agriculture chemical.
- Operation of shipping and travel agency in both Sabah and Sarawak.
b) Peninsular Malaysia
- Marketing, sales, warehousing and distribution of building materials, industrial and agriculture chemicals
- Import and distribute fine wine
- Freight forwarding and shipping (Cruise Business)

- Shipping agency and Travel agency would be affect by Convid 19.
- HARISON had close down 2 Komonoya outlets in 2020 and plan to close another in 2021.
- 10 years revenue annualise growth rate - 5.26 %
- In 2014 one off settlement to KASTAM Malaysia RM 31,500,000
- HARISON liability had growth over the period of 10 years
- HARISON had over 60 % of their trade receivables past due
- HARISON had current ratio of more than 1 for the past 10 years
- HARISON had low and decresing interest coverage ratio and below 1 cash ratio.
- HARISON had low director remuneration it is just 4 % of total salaries expense and 6.5 % of the operating income.
- HARISON ROE in 2019 is depends on Equity Multiplier

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08 Oct 2024, 10:01 AMPost #25

Harrisons – is slow infrastructure development its moat?


You would have thought that with the growth of online business, the fortunes of distribution companies like Bursa Malaysia Harrisons would be distrupted. But over the past decade, Harrisons revenue grew at 5% CAGR with its profits growth at 8% CAGR.


Harrisons main distribution business is in Sabah and Sarawak. I suspect that because these states are less developed, the last mile service critical to online business is not so well developed. So there is greater reliance on the brick-and-mortar outlets. This is Harrisons forte and you could say that slow infrastructure development is its moat.


If so, there is still a long way to go for its business to be disrupted by digital tech. Given Harrison fundamentals and a good margin of safety, why wouldn’t you give this a look?

yeah doh drool lol mad notworthy question rant rolleyes sad shutup shy smile star sweat thumbup wub cry

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