| User Comments |
 | 20 Aug 2014, 4:57:46 PM Game Over.... |
 | 10 Jul 2014, 2:46:40 PM 3官联金融股齐暂停 联昌 兴业 马建屋大合併?
当时兴业资本因为原有股东阿布扎比商业银行有意將持有的25%兴业资本股权脱售,並吸引了一些外资机构加入竞標的行列,包括私募基金凯雷投资集团(Carlyle Group)等。
联昌国际与兴业资本股价今日没有太大的变化,闭市各跌4仙,分別收在7.24令吉及8.72令吉。马建屋则大涨12仙或5.41%,至2.34令吉,为今日上升榜第12名。 |
 | 23 May 2014, 9:31:53 AM [QUOTE=erkongseng @ 22 May 2014, 05:48 PM]3430[/QUOTE]
Thanks for sharing so much info on this counter. Definitely a good buy now and black horse of 2014. Cheer...{:rolleyes} |
 | 10 Feb 2014, 11:50:58 AM [QUOTE=LCCHONG @ 07 Feb 2014, 04:52 PM]3182[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the info. {:notworthy} |
 | 07 Feb 2014, 4:26:52 PM [QUOTE=LCCHONG @ 04 Feb 2014, 12:10 AM]3162[/QUOTE]
Hi LCCHONG, what's your target price for WELLCAL? Do you think it is still a good buy now? {:question} |
 | 23 Jan 2014, 4:49:33 PM [QUOTE=wow123 @ 23 Jan 2014, 01:52 PM]3135[/QUOTE]
no rebound at all...{:doh} |
 | 21 Jan 2014, 4:04:43 PM Go Go Go...see you at RM3 soon. {:rolleyes} |
 | 12 Dec 2013, 4:32:52 PM Continue moving strongly...{:thumbup} |
 | 12 Dec 2013, 4:30:01 PM [QUOTE=tingtaimeng @ 11 Dec 2013, 09:16 PM]3030[/QUOTE]
Got the news from bursa. Check in out...
[b]OTHERS Salcon Berhad ("Salcon" or "Company") Proposed Distribution to Shareholders of Salcon[/b]
As set out in the announcement dated 12 September 2013 made by Hong Leong Investment Bank Berhad on behalf of the Board of Directors of Salcon ("Board"), the Company is undertaking the proposed disposals of the entire equity interests held in the following companies:-
(i) Salcon Darco Environmental Pte Ltd;
(II) Salcon Jiangsu (HK) Limited;
(III) Salcon Fujian (HK) Limited;
(IV) Salcon Zhejiang (HK) Limited;
(V) Salcon Linyi (HK) Limited; and
(VI) Salcon Shandong (HK) Limited.
(henceforth referred to as the "Proposed Disposals")
Further to the Proposed Disposals, the Board wishes to inform that it is the intention of the Board to [b]distribute part of the proceeds from the Proposed Disposals, of up to RM30.0 million to the shareholders of Salcon via a special dividend or other means[/b], such as capital repayment, the method of which will be determined at a later stage, after taking into consideration, amongst others, the actual proceeds to be received from the Proposed Disposal ("Proposed Distribution").
The Proposed Distribution is conditional upon the completion of the Proposed Disposals and subject to obtaining all the requisite approvals. The Company will obtain the relevant approvals and announcement in accordance with the Main Market Listing Requirements will be made by the Company once the method of distribution is finalised and approval from the Board is obtained. Any excess in the actual amount utilised for the Proposed Distribution, would be adjusted to the amount of proceeds from the Proposed Disposals allocated for the working capital of the Group.
This announcement is dated 11th November 2013.
 | 11 Dec 2013, 2:08:38 PM [QUOTE=tingtaimeng @ 11 Dec 2013, 12:29 PM]3027[/QUOTE]
Where you see the announcement? Is it confirm one? |
 | 19 Nov 2013, 10:22:57 AM [QUOTE=devan @ 19 Nov 2013, 10:13 AM]2978[/QUOTE]
Any good dividend counter? Most of the stock went up too much this year. Very hard to find a good dividend stock now. {:question} |
 | 12 Nov 2013, 10:46:10 AM [QUOTE=JacksonHoe @ 12 Nov 2013, 10:30 AM]2957[/QUOTE]
Do you mind to share what's the different? {:notworthy} |
 | 07 Nov 2013, 2:19:34 PM [QUOTE=CNY2012 @ 07 Nov 2013, 08:59 AM]2937[/QUOTE]
Very good report. Go Go Go...{:yeah} |
 | 02 Jun 2013, 9:21:38 AM [QUOTE=jeannieye @ 23 May 2013, 06:48 PM]2605[/QUOTE]
Is wellcal overvalue now? Hope someone can share their view...thanks {:notworthy} |
 | 08 May 2013, 1:08:02 PM Anyone still keeping this stock ? It's not moving for a long time. {:star} |
 | 12 Jul 2012, 12:21:12 PM [QUOTE=ILoveDividend @ 23 Feb 2012, 10:23 PM]698[/QUOTE]
Any new contract being secured recently? {:notworthy} |
 | 10 Jul 2012, 8:31:33 PM [QUOTE=ILoveDividend @ 10 Jul 2012, 05:28 PM]1258[/QUOTE]
I think this is a good stock to hold for long term. However, its last few quarters were dropping. Hopefully coming quarter will have a suprise. {:smile} |
 | 03 Jul 2012, 4:25:06 PM OMG.... What happen to this counter again? {:star}{:star} |
 | 28 Jun 2012, 9:57:26 AM Broke RM3.00 {:yeah}{:yeah}{:yeah} |
 | 19 Jun 2012, 10:00:06 AM Yeah...i think it is best to avoid china company. {:smile} |